
10 Keys for a strong church

We are a community of Jesus followers who WORSHIP God, GROW disciples, REACH Las Vegas and the world with the gospel.

 1. Experiencing God’s Presence
2. Grounded in Biblical Truth
3. Purpose-filled Missional Living
4. Being Spiritually Formed
5. Rooted in Prayer
6. Fearlessly Using our Spiritual Gifts
7. Following Spirit-led Leadership
8. Giving with Generosity
9. Having Hearts of Extreme Unity
10. Never Forsaking Transparency


Because we desire each person at Awaken Las Vegas to experience the life transforming grace of God in their everyday lives through Spiritual Formation, we have created a Spiritual Formation Ecosystem. An ecosystem is a system comprised of integrated or essential parts that work together to fulfill a purpose. Built on the life and practices of Jesus, this Ecosystem expresses the different aspects of the Christian life that shape and form us into people of Christlikeness.

3 goals

1.  Every person in our church would see this as a “roadmap” to Christlikeness.

2.  It serves as a foundation for all our ministries at Awaken Las Vegas.

3. Our entire church would participate and reflect this formation.

We will have one GROW class throughout the year that you can attend to dive deeper into each of these areas.  And we are developing tools to help you discover areas of strengths and weaknesses to help you know where to concentrate.  We have newly revised Awaken Basics Curriculum for everyone who is new to the faith.

In addition, we are planning a Prayer Experience and will be hosting several Prayer Room evenings, where we will intentionally seek to learn how to pray as Jesus did.

Our Future

The future is now and the next generation needs Jesus more than ever. We are committing to getting into schools at all levels, partnering with other local organizations, and opening opportunities for youth to get involved in volunteering, and actively integrating with Awaken Christian Academy.

We want to come alongside families and walk with them through life,  so we are REACHING IN to give support and tools to help.

  • Children’s & Youth Ministries actively involved in the student life at Awaken Christian Academy
  • Children’s & Youth Ministry Leaders actively leading Chapels during the school day.
  • Bible Club and Peformance Choir for Awaken Christian Academy students
  • New Podcast from Pastor Derek with topics and themes to help parents
    and families learn and grow
  • Developing leadership and volunteer positions in the church for youth
  • Training leaders to help give biblical guidance to youth and famlies
  • Student mission trips

We want to transform the youth community around us for Jesus, so we are REACHING OUT to our neighborhoods, our community, and schools; spreading God’s truth in love.

  • Bible clubs to impact students in public schools
  • Partnering with Fellowship of Christian Athletes to engage public high school and middle school students for Jesus
  • Block Parties with our local neighborhoods
  • Summer Youth Conference with evangelistic outreach


We want to build true community with:
quarterly Worship Nights
Life Groups

We want to give people opportunity to particpate in community with:
bi-annual Volunteer Fairs
prayer cards

Meet and Greet for newcomers

We want to grow our community and its impact through:
Awaken Church Community

– Family Meeting March 26 at 12:30pm to discuss this initiative in depth.  Also hear from our other Awaken Church pastors in-person.