Summertime = Family Time

Before anything else
Read the Bible
Pray with them and do a devotion every morning. Include worship music and Christian videos.
By doing a devotion with them first thing in the morning, you will have a successful day, and you are hiding the word of God in their hearts forever.
Hide and seek
This is a Harper Family favorite. Make teams and include their friends. Play in the daylight or at night. This game can go on as long as you would like, and your kids will never forget this fun game you played with them and the time you spent together.
Build an Obstacle course
Construct a backyard obstacle course with hula hoops, jump ropes, sticks, stones, hoses, and other materials from around the house. Your kids can take turns completing it—and the person with the fastest time wins a prize!
Camp in the Yard
No campground? No problem! Put up a tent in the backyard and spend the night underneath the Stars. Encourage your kids to decorate their rides with streamers, stickers, flags, and more—then let them cruise around the neighborhood to show off their creations.
Learn to Cook
This is a fun summer activity for kids. Teaching little ones to cook. Choose a favorite food—such as grilled cheese or cookies—and make it with your child. They’ll feel proud while eating the finished product.
You can host a picnic lunch without leaving your property! Choose a mealtime destination, whether it’s a patio table or blanket in the backyard. Prepare picnic staples like sandwiches, load them into a basket, and enjoy!
When painting outside, there’s no need to worry about making a mess. Just use washable paint and the canvas of your choice. Whether it’s construction paper, cardboard, or even rocks, you can also create outdoor artwork with sidewalk chalk.
Find an empty wall in your home and hang up their beautiful artwork.
Don’t miss out on time with your kids.
Happy Summering!
Krista Harper
Student Ministries Director