Resource Article

Intentional family time with God in prayer
The first step toward establishing an effective family time, with God, in prayer is to be intentional about scheduling. Many families schedule this time after breakfast or dinner. Often, these meals naturally bring the family together and can lead conveniently into a time not only of togetherness, but also a family time with God. Other families find just before bedtime works well. Whatever time you choose, be sure that the whole family can be together on a regular basis.
Consistency is important because it shows that family time in prayer is a high priority.
Here are a few ideas!
Pray in the car on the way to school!
I still remember my dad praying for me, all the way from the house to the school parking lot. He prayed big prayers, and he needed to before I went into a very worldly environment every day. I thought, “This is crazy!” He prayed for every situation, over everything that could possibly ever happen, in a day’s time and would end by praying for favor. Fast forward a few years later and I am borrowing the same type of fervent prayer from my dad. This is such an important prayer time with your kids, you are teaching them to go in to the Holy of Holies and that God cares and goes before us in every situation.
Take a family prayer walk
This is great for taking family walks around your neighborhood. One of our passions is getting to know our neighbors, but sometimes that’s hard. We often forget to pray for our neighbors. Taking a family walk with the purpose to pray for each person (whether we know them by name or not) in the homes around us is a great way to pray for others and pray together as a family! As you walk by each home, take turns praying for the family that lives there.
Pray for each other
Make it a regular habit to pray for one another. Share prayer requests with one another regularly. Pray aloud together as a family for the requests and also purpose to pray individually. When you pray for one another on your own time, be sure to tell the person you prayed for them. It’s encouraging, and it helps remind them to be in prayer for their family members as well.
There is no greater time to be deeply rooted in Jesus as a family through prayer, than right now.
Krista Harper