Joining together as a church to seek the Lord in prayer.

Weekly Prayer Opportunities

Intercessory Women’s Prayer, 7:30am in the Worship Center 

Intercessory Women’s Prayer, 7:30am in the Worship Center

Men’s Early Morning Prayer, 7am in the Follow Up Room
Intercessory Women’s Prayer, 7:30am in the Worship Center

Intercessory Women’s Prayer, 7:30am in the Worship Center
Prayer for Maui and Israel, 5:30-6pm, Follow up room

Information about prayer

1. Relationship

Our Father in heaven. Remember that having believed in Jesus and His gospel you now approach God as His child. You don’t come on the basis of your work but on the basis of His work for you.

2. Reverence

Hallowed be your name. While we can be genuine and sincerely open with God without pretense, we remember simultaneously that we are addressing the Holy God who is the Maker of the universe and also our Maker. Therefore, we honor Him and remember that His very name is holy and to be hallowed. In a Christian culture that has gone overboard in an effort to make God relevant and relatable, we need to consider the words of the seraphim that fly around His throne day and night declaring, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of Hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!” (Isaiah 6:3).

3. Submission

Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. As Kingdom Citizens we are no longer pursuing our kingdom but His kingdom. Our chief desire is to see God’s will come to pass on earth in our generation. We have aligned ourselves with what matters to Him and have consequently submitted and surrendered completely to Him.

4. Dependence

Give us this day our daily bread. Humble dependence upon God was the pattern that Jesus laid down for us to follow. The truth is that as much as we would like to think we are in control, that is simply an illusion. GOD IS IN CONTROL. As we acknowledge this we learn daily, humble dependence upon Him to supply our needs and avoid the tendency to live independently from Him. You may be a mover and a shaker, you may have great position and influence, but the truth is you cannot even breathe without Him.

5. Confession

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Confession of your sins is where your relationship with God began but it is a continuous part of your relationship with Him. Daily confession cleanses you, reminds you of the importance of walking in righteousness, and helps you to remember how grave the issue of sin is to God. Your sin is what sent Christ to the cross.

6. Deliverance

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Paul said that our weapons of warfare are not fleshly in nature but mighty in God (2 Corinthians 10:4). God is your deliverer. He delivers you to victory over your adversary but that battle is not won in your power. It is won in His power. It is not a physical fight. It is a spiritual fight against wicked principalities and powers. And Christ alone has the power to make you more than a conqueror (Ephesians 6:10-20, Zechariah 4:6, Romans 8:37).

7. Worship

For Yours is the kingdom, power, glory forever AMEN. Worship is often consigned to corporate gatherings, but the adoration of God and the exaltation and affirmation of His beauty and magnificence is daily and forever. It is so important to get our eyes off of ourselves and our struggles and onto the Incomparable One. Your greatest need is to worship and you have been created to worship the Triune God.

8. Integrity

If you do not forgive others neither will your Father in heaven forgive you. God’s expectation is that as you come to Him asking for forgiveness, grace, and mercy, you are also freely giving those to the people who are asking you for them! Jesus was adamant about His disdain for hypocrisy and double standards in the lives of His disciples.


To reach a pastor with an urgent prayer request please call 702-362-9000 and promptly press 9. Thank you!
***Note: Please do not include names or information that may be too personal also please keep prayer requests to 150 words or less, thank you!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Vivian Ru

I suffer from severe allergies/PTSD to dogs & get so triggered when people try to humanize their animal by bringing it EVERY WHERE they go. I can't go to a grocery store, hair salon, hospital, airport or even church without being cornered by one and it's terrifying! It's so discouraging & seems like an epidemic that is only getting worse! This situation has robbed me & my family of our peace! Pls pray for those who idolize their pets above God & humans, that they would realize the harm they bring to other's. I know that I'm not alone in this concern. Yet, I don't want to become a shut-in b/c it's not safe for me to go out in public. TY!

Received: October 16, 2024

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