Missions Ministry

Awaken Las Vegas believes that everyone should be involved in impacting the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. Our missions ministry offers missions trips, trains up missionaries, and supports mission work all over the world. There are also classes that will inspire you to have faith on a global scale.
Come experience an international missions trip. Whether it is your first trip or your fourteenth, experienced missions trip leaders will guide to our locations all over the world. Have a heart for prayer and/or giving? We will keep you updated about opportunities to be a part of the amazing things God is doing worldwide.
Contact missions@awakenlv.org to stay up to date and join our list.
2025 Missions Trips
Brazil Mission Trip - Awaken Natal
February 10-17
Interest meetings August 11, November 3, January 5
Brazil Mission Trip - Awaken Natal
February 18-25
Interest meetings August 11, November 3, January 5
Brazil Mission Trip - Awaken Natal
February 10-25
Interest meetings Augus 11, November 3, January 5
Previous Missions Trips
High School Mission Trip - Tijuana

Men’s Mission Trip to Awaken Discipleship and Training Center
April 20-23

Middle School Mission Trip - La Gloria

Weekend Teaching and Outreach - Tijuana
July 21-24

Collective Graduation - Missions
August 18-20

Blessing Bags - Student Mission Trip

Blessing Bags - Family Mission Trip

Brazil Mission Trip: April 11-19

Youth Mission Natal Brazil: July 8-16

Brazil Mission Trip - Natal
September 13-21
View Recap of Trip
Click on a photo to support a missionary
Alvarez Family
Asuncion Family
Through prayer and fasting, God opened an opportunity to serve Malaybalay, Bukidnon, Philippines, and engage with Natidasan Christian Community Church. Uncertain of His plans, we trust His lead and eagerly embrace living on the edge with Jesus. Our hearts long to serve Him in any way He chooses. Grateful for this chance to learn and grow while serving in the Philippines!
Benitez Family
We have now been serving the Lord as missionaries in Mexico for the past 7 years alongside our daughters Ayleen, Alyssa, Aubrey, Abigail, and our son Samuel.
In July 2017, the Lord called us out from our hometown in Montebello, CA to assist a new church plant, Capilla Calvario Michoacan in Zamora Michoacan, Mexico. Before going to Michoacan, we took the Church Plant course at the Training Center in La Gloria, Tijuana. Upon graduation, we set out to Michoacan, having the tools we needed to serve the Lord. We served in different areas as needed from Children’s ministry, youth ministry, and marriage counseling. Our oldest daughter, Ayleen, led the worship ministry for the last year.
In June 2021, the Lord called us back to Tijuana and we now have the privilege to serve at Awaken Discipleship and Training Center in La Gloria. We are so grateful to serve in the place where it all began for us and our hearts have been drawn to this place. Chris is currently assisting in the area of facilities, short-term mission teams and currently lead the marriage ministry alongside my wife. Yesenia is currently assisting as event coordinator, short-term missions, and also gets to help in the kitchen preparing meals for teams and students. Our oldest daughter Ayleen is also serving as a ministry assistant and teaches and does worship for our NDR kids program. She also serves in worship for group devotionals and local churches.
Our heart is to continue to serve the Lord, to minister and disciple the people in Tijuana, and wherever else the Lord would lead us to. Our hearts are open to do His will and bring many to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We hope that you will partner with us in prayer for the following:
- God’s direction for our family in this new season
- Financial provision for our family
- For the Lord to open the door for Chris to be able to travel to the US
Garin Family
Gomez Family
Ramsey and Rachel Gomez have felt called to the mission field since they were married in 2023. God has been leading them to the country of Japan for the last couple years and they are walking in faith toward that calling. Right now, they are serving at Awaken Las Vegas and participating in a church planting residency to prepare them to plant a church in Japan. They are also working on acquiring a visa that will allow their family to remain long-term in Japan, growing a prayer team, and raising monthly financial support. They aim to launch to Japan in the fall of 2025.
Leona Karni
Missionary 1979 continuing in 2023
As a pioneer missionary Leona has broken ground in establishing and developing ministries that include but are not limited to; Church Planting and establishing Bible Colleges in several different countries. Additionally, Leona conducted the earliest and most extensive research on the Child Slave Market and established a ministry in Prevention for Children At Risk. She has Developed, Taught/Teaches a Christian Counseling course used for Children of War and for Leaders in War Torn Countries. Leona also teaches a History and Geography course which she developed and wrote the text book for and trains Children’s Ministry Leaders in the use of the Confident Kids Program. She is a published author whose books have been translated into Spanish and Thai languages.
Currently based in Las Vegas, Leona continues her ministry, at age 79, by going on short-term missions’ trips. Increasingly her focus has become on equipping churches by training in a Biblical Guidance course she has developed and assisting in establishing the counseling ministry for churches. Her ministry has taken her to every continent (except Australia) and around the world countless times.
L Family
Rich and Sue have been working with unreached people groups since 1981. An unreached people group is an ethnic group without an indigenous, self-propagating Christian church movement. We focus on using media strategy to enable seekers to identify themselves to national and expatriate workers in their country, who can share the Gospel and disciple them with the aim of seeing a church planting movement. Today, this is primarily an online digital strategy using social media platforms and advertising to provide a way for many thousands of unreached people to learn about and follow Jesus. Learn more about media to movements by visiting www.mediatomovements.org.
Pray with us that we will grow to be more like Jesus daily, reflecting him to all those we encounter.
Pray that God will establish multiplying churches among the unreached peoples of the world
Paola Lopez
I was apart of the Vastagos internship at Awaken DTC in 2023. During that time the Lord called me to missions, to go to the unreached in the 10/40 window. Then I was able to go to the second phase of the internship and the Lord opened doors to serve here in Tijuana, at Awaken DTC. Since April 2024 I have been serving full time in different areas: media, accounting, helping with the “Vastagos” summer program, sometimes with the short-term mission teams, and I teach children in the “Niños del Rey” ministry.
My heart is still with the unreached, I thank the Lord even though its not his time for me to go yet, I can serve Him in this incredible place and at the same time I know that He is preparing me for the next step.
Pavlat Family
They have now retired from the missions field but we continue to support them for their long term of service. For the past 25 years, Rick and Ollie have been ministering to those precious people of the Manila garbage dump. Throughout their stay in the Philippines, Rick and Ollie have felt they are an arm of Calvary Chapel Las Vegas, reaching out in sharing the love and saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. One of Rick’s greatest blessings from his time in the Philippines was when he met his wife Olympia (Ollie). She is a Filipina from the north, from a place called Isabella. They have been married for over nine years now, and for the past 7 years, have been leading the Balut ministry while serving also as National Administrator & regional director for YWAM Philippines National Capital Region.
Roenspie Family
Vision: As we make the move to live and serve in Mexico City, our goal is to reflect Christ to one another as a family and to those around us. In our ministry, we want to engage, train and disciple a new generation of leaders, church planters and missionaries while building up the church in Latin America.
In our role as Awaken Church Coordinators, please pray for a deep love for the people of Mexico City and Latin America, and the ability to train and equip church planters and leaders; engage churches to discover their strengths and grow in areas of weakness; and to learn to minister to other churches in the Awaken Church Community.
Please pray for
The transition to living in Mexico City; for our health and well-being; and for dependence on the Lord and one another.
To receive our newsletter, send an email with the title NEWSLETTER REQUEST to jeff@awakenlv.org
Valenzuela Family
The Valenzuela Family currently lives in Madrid, Spain where they have been actively planting the church RAÍCES MADRID since October of 2017.
Tifiny and Esteban came from very different homes. Tifiny grew up in a conservative Christian home where she was raised with biblical values. Esteban was raised in a much more liberal environment and lived wildly during his young adult years. Shortly after getting saved in 1999 the Lord took Esteban on an adventure that spanned the USA and Europe, eventually leading him to West Virginia where he met Tifiny in early 2004. After marrying in 2005 Esteban and Tifiny lived in Southern California where they worked and served in the local church. Within the next ten years the Lord added three beautiful children to our family.
In 2010 the Lord began to stir Esteban’s heart for Spain during a season of intense suffering and trials. While still serving in the local church the Lord confirmed the call to Spain between 2010 to 2014. Having the support of the church and the elders of CC Canyon Hills we launched out as a family of 5 to Spain, where we have residing since January of 2015.
The Valle Family
We believe the Lord has called us to expand the Kingdom of God by planting a church in Guadalajara that impacts the community by the love and faith through Jesus Christ and bring a spiritual awakening in the city of Guadalajara. Prayer points: please pray for our season of being newlyweds and that our marriage would be strengthened and rooted in God. Please pray for our training and our residency here in Vegas that we would be thoroughly equipped and ready for our next steps in church planting. Please pray for the Lord’s provision in resources, a team, and perseverance.
Wilson Family
The Wilsons have been serving with Youth for Christ International since 1998. What propels them forward is the vision of seeing the church planted among every tribe, tongue, people group, and nation. They are also passionate about creating self-sustaining ministry models that allow individuals from indigenous communities to carry on the work of evangelism and discipleship without having to depend on donations and funding. Since 2010, they have been equipping young leaders and church planters all across the globe to use business as a way to catalyze spiritual, economic, and social transformation for the glory of God. They help lead the Live Dead Arab World Church Planting Partnership which plants churches, among the unreached of the Arab World, through teams.