“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Watch a Message About Break New Ground
time is short… the work is great
Our 2025 initiatives are a direct result of God’s leading through prayer. Our mission is to be a community of Jesus followers who WORSHIP God, GROW as disciples, and REACH Las Vegas and the world with the gospel. Our vision is to bring a spiritual awakening in Las Vegas and the world through the love of Jesus Christ.
Everything we do has this at its core and we are so excited to see what God does this year as we walk with Him. None of these objectives are easy but we know that with God all things are possible and the harder they are, the greater His glory is displayed. Together, we are believing God for the great things He will do and celebrating with thanksgiving for all that He has done.
2024 was nothing short of awesome as we’ve witnessed God moving in incredible ways through Awaken Events in Brazil! We had the opportunity to gather and unite pastors from more than 60 diverse churches and denominations, empowering them through powerful teachings from Pastor Derek and other renowned leaders. Many of those pastors would never have that opportunity if wasn’t for your generosity.
But that was just the beginning! During Youth On Fire, we had the privilege of ministering to over 750 passionate youth and young adults, ignitng their hearts to serve their churches, communities, and the city of Natal like never before.
And guess what? The excitement is just getting started! As we gear up for our February events, we are building a dynamic network of businesses and organizations ready to partner with us for Awaken Aid and Awaken Celebration.
We truly believe that every step we take is divinely guided by the Holy Spirit, and we’re poised to create an unforgettable impact.
Let’s join forces and prepare for an amazing 2025, bringing the transformative power of the gospel to the hearts of people in Brazil! Together, we can make history!

It’s no secret that Church Planting is in our DNA. Today we want to celebrate your incredible commitment to nurturing the spiritual growth of our church planting communities in Mazatlán, Mexico City, and Great Bay, as well as Awaken Oasis right here in Las Vegas! Let’s cheer and give God all the glory for each victory and every soul touched through their ministries!
Now, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and prepare the soil as the Awaken Church Community steps forward in partnership with our Lord to plant new churches in Osaka, Japan | Santiago, Chile & Natal, Brazil!
Together, we’ll develop resources, establish strong principles, and provide pastoral support from Awaken Las Vegas as our ‘Center Church.’ Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!
Awaken Kids Center
Over the years, we’ve seen amazing growth in our Kid’s Ministry! With growth comes challenges, and space is definitely one of them. Running out of room is a wonderful problem to have, but we know we need to keep working on the solution.
As we continue to expand the horizons of our Kid’s Ministry, invesRng in our Awaken Kids Center is crucial so that we can serve more families with excellence.
In 2024, we created a plan that addresses today’s needs while looking toward the future. This initiative will ensure that our Awaken Families have access to top-notch facilities, creating a safe and welcoming space where kids and families can connect and thrive in community.
We’ve already taken the first steps, but this is a long journey, as we always strive for excellence. In 2025, we’ll move to the next phase—getting our blueprints drawn up and approved.
Let’s get excited about the possibilities ahead!

Pray to join us. God has called us to big things, but He is a big God and we want to take every step forward with God. So prayer is vitally important. Please pray for the following:
- For God to guide our leaders in decisions that need to be made for each of these initiatives.
- For God to make a way for the best use of our time, energy, and finances during the course of each project throughout 2025.
- For this effort to lead to many hearts turning to God in a fruitful harvest.
Join us in making a real impact with a special year-end gift that goes beyond your usual tithe! Together, let’s sow seeds of righteousness that will bear incredible fruit for the people of Brazil, our current and future church planters, and the communi:es they’ll be nurturing. This is also a wonderful opportunity to support the families who love Awaken Las Vegas, and to welcome the new families who will join us in the years to come. Let’s invest in a brighter future together!
Are you ready to let God work through you to advance His Kingdom by making acommitment to give? Is there any part of your life that’s been sitting idle, waiting for His touch? If you’re willing to break up that ground, He’ll expand your fruitfulness in ways you can’t imagine! Whenever we offer more of ourselves to God, He is faithful to turn it intosomething beau:ful for His glory. So, will you step out in obedience?